Thursday 28th december Pre party Milonga Preparty Casa Valencia MILONGAHour: From 20:00 to 00:50. TDJ: Angel de Paz Venue: Casa ValenciaPrice: 8e Not included in the event. Friday 29th december Afternoon Milongas FRIDAY AFTERNOON MILONGAHour: From 16:00 to 20:00. TDJ: Gaston “Gato” MisittiVenue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate. Price: 10€ or enter with FULL pass Nights Milongas FRIDAY NIGHT MILONGAHour: From 21:00 to 00:50. TDJ: Hüseyin ÖzmenVenue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate. Price: 15€ or with Full Passes FRIDAY AFTER NIGHT MILONGAHour: From 00:00 to 4:00. TDJ: Fernando CorradoVenue: El desbande Extras: Medialunas breakfast at 3.00 Price: 13 at door – 10 in advance by entradium€ Saturday 30th december Morning (Workshops) TANGO WORKSHOPHour: From 11:30 to 13:00. Maestros: Zeynep Akter & Serkan Description: “The Back Sacada Issue” : how to do and receive safe and comfortable back sacadas for leaders and followers.Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Medialunas breakfast & Coffee & MateCost: Included in ISTANBUL FULL PASSPrice: 20€ or Istanbul Full Pass MILONGA WORKSHOPHour: From 13:15 to 14:45 Maestros: Zeynep Akter & Serkan Description: Make milonga your favorite tanda; joyful milonga combinations.Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Medialunas breakfast & Coffee & MateCost: Included in ISTANBUL FULL PASSPrice: 20€ or Istanbul Full Pass Afternoon Milonga SATURDAY AFTERNOON MILONGAHour: From 15:00 to 19:00. TDJ: Luis Abellan Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate. Include chacarera class at the end.Price: 15€ or enter with FULL pass CHACARERA WORKSHOP Hour: From 19:00 to 20:00 Maestros: Peuhen & Nuria Description: Intro Chacarera Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate Price: Free if has FULL pass or Saturday Afternoon Milonga Nights Milongas SATURDAY NIGHT MILONGAHour: From 21:00 to 00:50. TDJ: Sergios El Loco TsagkarisShow Zeynep Aktar & Sercan Yigit around 23:15Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate. Price: 20€ or enter with full pass SATURDAY AFTER NIGHT MILONGAHour: From 00:00 to 4:00. TDJ: Ana AvilaVenue: El desbande Extras: Medialunas breakfast at 3.00 Price: 13 at door – 10 in advance by entradium€ Sunday 31th december Morning (Workshops) TANGO WORKSHOPHour: From 11:30 to 13:00. Maestros: Zeynep Akter & Serkan Description: (Int) say hello to “ganchos”; how to do ganchos and ways to avoid most common gancho mistakesVenue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Medialunas breakfast & Coffee & MatePrice: 20€ or included in Istanbull full pas VALS WORKSHOPHour: From 13:15 to 14:45 Maestros: Zeynep Akter & Serkan Description: Discovering the ways to use different kind of cadenas.Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Medialunas breakfast at 3:00Extras: Medialunas breakfast & Coffee & MatePrice: 20€ or Included in Istanbul full passs Afternoon Milonga SATURDAY AFTERNOON MILONGAHour: From 15:00 to 19:00. TDJ: Thibault Cresp Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate. Include intro zamba class at the end.Price: 15€ or enter with FULL pass ZAMBA WORKSHOPHour: From 19:00 to 20:00 Maestros: Peuhen & Nuria Description: Intro Zamba WorkshopVenue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & MatePrice: Free if has FULL pass or Sunday Afternoon Milonga Special New Year Eve Milonga Hour: From 20:00 to 3:00 PM. TDJ: Santiago Charru Buonomo from 20:00 to 00:00 & Ariadna “La Pocha” Zaehnsdorf from 00:15 to 3:00Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Special New Year Eve Fresh Dinner by Chef Elvis Arsic (Soup and Finger Food) (Gluten Free option), Price: 30€ or enter with FULL option Monday 1st january Monday AFTERNOON MILONGA (Vinyl Set)Hour: From 15:00 to 19:00. Vinyl TDJ: Ignacio Cavalieri Venue: La Nau del Clot Extras: Snacks & Fruits & Nutella & Coffee & Mate. Price: 15€ or enter with FULL pass Post party “La Sagrada” MILONGAHour: From 19:00 to 24:00. TDJ: Fernando CorradoVenue: La Sagrada Milonga Price: Not Included outside of full pass. Facebook Instagram